Sunday, December 21, 2008

What is A me or An i - The i-concept

from Binduji

Dear friends,
> Namaste ----
> What is "A me" how can a "me" be separate from all else. hence all is
> happening to no one named "me" .. it is ALL happening "AS" existence; this
> does not mean that what seems to be happening to what seems to be me is or
> can be separated from the whole i.e. my seeming existence or seeming
> specialness is no more or less important than a mote of dust or the earth
> itself .
> All these beings are modes of the light of the conscious Self (what the
> yogis call the ParaAtma or supreme Self or Krishna\Siva\Visnu ) appearing
> such due to the light of said Self shining thru the layers (Vasanas) or
> construct of experience that the mind likes to call "me - i" .. This, let
> call it modulating principal (karma in yogic terms) makes a being what it
> but it is not the being; nor does the karma belong to the being it merely
> modulates the experience of existence that the Self in back of the mind of
> given being is having thru that mind or being much like light is changed
> colored plastic when shone thru it. it is the same light but colored by
> plastic . lookup prism @ wikipedia
> The mind could be likened to a prism -
> This pic is from Pink-floyds Dark side of the moon album cover..
> See full size image or
> The same principal at the root of the mind operates to modulate the
> configuration of the cells of the various bodies (e.g. mental, emotional,
> and gross physical bodies etc..) thusly the body takes on the size, shape
> and health paradigm of the Karmic mind and the life experience of that
> configuration goes to maintain that configuration.
> The "me" then (regardless as to which being or species it is, or of
> or not the "me" or "I" is a concept only) is a mode of the Self but is
> the entire Self nor does its existence connote any separate "i" existing
> "me"; rather the existence of a "me" or "i" verifies the existence of The
> Self. Else who can it be that is conscious in the absence of "i" ?
> In this way the Self is conscious "AS" all beings-plural as they are modes
> of That super-conscient Oneness. (Krishna has said: "I am the field and
> actor in all fields") or again it has been said That Siva is free in ALL
> modes of His own consciousness.
> The statement that "He is free in ALL modes of His own consciousness has
> been taken to mean that the free\enlightened (Jivan-Mukta) is free in the
> three states of HIS own consciousness vis: waking, dream, and deep sleep;
> (as if Jiva had any consciousness to begin with that could be free) No,
> foregoing is an oxymoron since the Jiva has no self who could have a mode
> consciousness of his own. The idea then of the freedom of the Jiva or
> enlightenment cannot be realized by said Jiva.
> The fact is that The Self (Krishna\Siva\ God etc) is free in all beings as
> they are modes of HIS consciousness. so then instead of thinking how
> wonderful it is that this or that is happening to a "me" how about
> entertaining the idea that all modes (beings and configurations of
> consciousness) are awesome and acceptable, even wondrous in The Self: e.g.
> accept all beings events and things with even-mindedness (i.e. to put it
> Buddhist terms: Develop the bodhi-chitta or consciousness that All is The
> Self).
> When you know you don't know .. when you know it is not you who knows -
> you know you cannot know - when the knowing is inexpressible and
> -- the knowledge that The Self alone knows appears "as" the mind.
> With love and respect,