ive noticed throughout the biographies of all the swamis, yogis, jnanis, saints etc have gone through tremendous trials and tribulations that could've sent the regular joe shmoe to the nut house. some of these people that have inspired my life could be called crazy and many of them have. some have been sent to the nut house and others persecuted, investigated and even killed for professing what they thought was true. one thing is that they went past the limits of ordinary or common human experience, it generally signals warnings to the ego mechanism. thats all i'll say for that. but we like we've seen in history time and time again. we don't need to fear what we dont understand nor make fun of it. love and understanding is best in most situations. all of us have pain and to go to the source of that can be a little scary but it's the necessary solution.
self inquiry, acceptance, surrender to the moment
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